Thursday, November 10, 2011

Vicious Cycle

What happened to the race of men that knew what it meant to have a good woman by his side? What happen to chivalry and treating a good woman like a queen? What happen to the men that knew what it meant to be a provider? I sit here and watch some of these so called “men” and laugh at their rendition of what is a good man. I’ve watched marriage after marriage fail and become a part of the tragic epidemic of what is wrong with relationships now days. Some women are the blame for the lack of real “men” we have in this world. It starts with some of these mothers out here not raising their sons. Yes a woman can raise a man to be a real man and know how to treat a woman and take care of his family. Then you have fucked up woman (who’s fucked up because of either a messed up mother or father) that treat the good men like shit and use them that turns them into dogs and they turn around and trash the good woman to then turn her into the fucked up woman. It’s a vicious cycle that keeps going. I feel like it starts with a man. A strong man can make a strong female any day. He can help raise strong kids and turn this messed up world around. How can you cheat on your wife and think that it justifies the wrongs that she may have done to you? How can you stand around and watch your wife bust her ass to take care of you and your children and think that she’s crazy when she comes home bitching about everything? She’s tired and frustrated! It’s a dam shame. So I’ll start with the parents.
 So let’s start with the father who is never there.  And yes it is a little cliché that I start off with the missing father but that is the way it is now a days. The father is always the one missing in the situation. They leave these mothers out here to raise these kids on their own as if they made them alone. It’s hard enough to have to deal with the weight of the world but now you have another person to watch over and until they are grown. It is that parent’s job to take on the weight for them. Now there are some single fathers out there and we will get to that later. So with that said let’s get back to the point.  If he’s never there, he can’t raise his son to be a good man. He can’t teach him the little things like keeping the dam toilet seat down in a house with a woman to the big shit about how to open doors and take the check once in a while. He can’t teach him the value of being a man what great things can come from it. Then there is the daughter he may have left. The daughter he showed by leaving that it was ok for a man to leave his family. He was never there to show her how much she is worthy of a good man and that her goods are priceless. Never there to show her how a man should treat his woman and how the world isn’t full of scumbags. In his absence these things then are left up to the mother. The mother he left to raise this child on her own.  Now I have run into men and woman who have been raised by a strong woman no matter the race. These Men understand the value of a woman and what they are to do to keep this woman.  These women understand what it is to be a lady and be treated like a queen. Now everyone has their flaws and they are entitled to mistakes and bad habits but the bad habit of being a dead beat father just does not sit well with me.
 Now let’s get into the mothers part of this. You have the drunk, druggie and slore that don’t take any time out of their day to teach their children anything. They spend their time dwelling on why the man left them or why they can’t get another man. They use these things as a crutch to help them cope. What they do not realize is that they are showing their kids how to be unproductive citizens in this world. If this woman spent half the time she did drinking and fucking, showing her son how to properly talk to a woman rather slander her every chance he gets, he could possibly be a decent man. She would be able to show her daughter how to properly take care of herself and what kind of men she should be looking for and that every man is no worth her time. She could teach her how to treat a real man so that she does not corrupt him. It’s the parent’s job to make sure that their kids become better women and men than them. It is their job to make sure that they come out into this world and make something of themselves and not be a burden on anyone else’s life.
 There are so many reasons on why people are the way they are, but the main reason starts with the way we are raising our kids.

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